Power Associates, Inc.

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More and more "IT decisions" are becoming Business Strategy decisions. Picking a piece of hardware or software can have a significant, and long-term impact on how a business thrives, or even survives.

In a marketplace where everyone is looking to technology for a competitive advantage, it is vital that you can distinguish between products, and discover which are best for your business model, goals, and methods.

At Power Associates, Inc. we understand that just because something is "cutting-edge", "leading brand", or even "industry standard", it still needs to be the right strategic decision. We've been around this business long enough to know the smoke and mirrors of marketing hype, and we also know that not every solution is going to work for every business.

We work with you to understand your requirements, your needs, and your goals, and assist you in locating the products and systems that actually meet those goals.

We also are brand independent, so we can offer you alternatives from a number of different manufacturers and vendors. This allows us to recommend a solution that works within your budget and fits your specific needs, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach designed around "volume sales".

PAI conducts business based on the customer relationship; not just the sales transaction. Our goal is to provide you with a reliable and trustworthy partner that you can look to for decision support, objective advice, and accurate information.

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